This function searches through the available movies and series available on netflix in France.
Queries are based on type (movie, serie), genre and year. Queries may also be sorted by date only.
If type parameter is not filled, all types will be returned.
- any
- movie
- serie
If genre parameter is not filled, all genres will be returned, only one genre can be queried at a time
- any
- action
- anime
- documentaires
- drame
- famille
- horreur
- musique
- nature
- romance
- sciencefiction
- thriller
Sort can be true or false, sorting can only be performed from newest to oldest
Only one year at the time can be queried.
- any
- 1950/1951/…/2019/2020
App("netflix/catalog", genre="thriller", type="movie", sort=true, year="2019")